Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Someone For Mr. Sussman-By: Patricia Polacco

This was a pretty entertaining book. I think Patricia Polacco is a pretty good author. I like her books. They are kind of long and some are pretty serious but they are written well. This wasn't a very serious book however. It was about a matchmaker who is trying to find a match for Mr. Sussman and secretly she is the one who wants to be his match. She goes to great lengths to try to please him, and he doesn't see what she is trying to do. She always goes a little too far in all that she is trying to impress him with. And finally when she gives up, he sees her true self and they end up getting married. So it's pretty much a happily-ever-after book. The story is told through the matchmakers grandson, so it tells the whole story from an observer point of view, and I thought that was pretty interesting. The narrator doesn't ever really say anything but he is in every picture and it's apparent when he narrates "My Bubbie" or "She asked me" etc. The book was pretty long but yet it was such a quick read and in the classroom you could definitely incorporate predictions as to what was coming next and using evidence to make claims. It's wasn't a tradition book in that the matchmaker and Mr. Sussman were both fairly old (probably in their mid 60s based on the illustrations) which I thought made the book cute. Twenty years ago getting married at an old age was unheard of, but today I think it is a lot more acceptable because of the high divorce rate and people just wanting companionship. The story definitely had a clear beginning, middle and end and had a nice flow. The book put a smile on my face through the whole story.

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