First of all I can't believe that I read this book in like 4th grade. I don't remember much of it but it is such a complex book and has a lot of heavy issues. I don't think I really got the complexity of it back then. There are so many abstract concepts and ideas. The author had to have such an imagination to create a totally different society that made some sort of sense and have some sort of rhyme or reason behind it. When I went to the library, all of them were out of the copies, however, there was a copy of it on CD, so I listened to it. It probably took longer to listen to then it would have to read but it was a different way to hear it and absorb it. I think in your classroom sometimes it is good to read books in different ways, have different people read in different ways and it also is good listening and comprehension practice. I enjoyed doing it differently for a nice change of pace. I think a very complicated issue to understand in the book is visualizing a different society. Many people have only lived or seen one society in his/her life, so visualizing a whole new, different way of life is had to imagine, especially for younger readers. But how awesome would it be to live in a perfect society. You are born and then you go through stages, get a job and then work until your an elder and then die. It sounds like a peaceful life, and if you don't know any different, you could never get bored. The book didn't have any diversity like any usual culture, which is another issue. Why would the author not incorporate diversity, especially in a science fiction book? The world is only getting more ethnically diverse as we look into the future. It's just a thought that I had, he is saying that diversity isn't perfect?
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